❅❅❅ Pottery Designs With Color Combination.1000+ Pottery Designs HD Collection. ❅❅❅❅❅Easy Pottery Designing and Decoration Idea .....
❅Pottery Designs is also called crockery designs or clay art designs.
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➜ Types Of Pottery:
✔ column Krater✔ Pelik✔ Dydria✔ Stamnos✔ Loutrophoros✔ Lebes✔ Oinochoe✔ Plpe✔ Chous✔ Kyathos✔ Amphora✔ Neck Amphora✔ Transport Amphora✔ Bell Krater✔ Clayx Krater✔ Volute Krater✔ Psykter
➜ Types of Pottery Decoration:
➜ A✔ Agateware: is pottery decorated with a combination of contrasting colored clays.
✔ Armorial ware: are ceramics decorated with a coat of arms
✔ Azulejo: is a form of Spanish and Portuguese painted tin-glazed ceramic tilework.
➜ B✔ Barbotine: Barbotine is the French for ceramic slip, or a mixture of clay and water used for moulding or decorating pottery.
✔ Bead-rim pottery: refers to the presence of a rounded molding on the lip of a jar, bowl, or dish.
✔ Blue and white porcelain: designate white pottery and porcelain decorated under the glaze with a blue pigment, generally cobalt oxide.
✔ Boerenbont: is a traditional pattern used on pottery from the Netherlands.
✔ Bucchero: is a class of ceramics produced in central Italy by the region's pre-Roman Etruscan population.
✔ Burnishing (pottery):
➜ C✔ Cardium pottery✔ Celadon✔ Chintzware✔ Chocolate-on-white ware✔ Cuerda seca
➜ D✔ Delftware✔ Dipped ware
➜ E✔ Egyptian faience✔ Encaustic tile
➜ F✔ Faience✔ Flow blue
➜ G✔ Green glazed pottery of Atzompa
➜ H✔ Horse hair raku
➜ I✔ In-glaze decoration
➜ L✔ Lithophane✔ Lusterware
➜ M✔ Maiolica✔ Mocha decorated pottery
➜ N✔ Nove Ware
➜ O✔ On-glaze decoration✔ Overglaze
➜ P✔ Pit–Comb Ware culture
➜ S✔ Salt glaze pottery✔ Sancai✔ Sgraffito✔ Slip (ceramics)✔ Slipware✔ Sprigging (decorative)
➜ T✔ Terra sigillata✔ Tin-glazed pottery✔ Tin-glazing✔ Transferware✔ Tubelining✔ Tulipiere
➜ U✔ Underglaze
➜ V✔ Victorian majolica
➜ W✔ Willow pattern.